I find this on http://trichconfessions.tumblr.com/ and I feel this describes perfectly, what comes with having Trich.

  • In an age where mental disorders are finally given well deserved study and attention that they should be getting, you’re pretty much left in the dust. Maybe just sit on your hands or play with a ball or something? We don’t know.
  • ‘’Why don’t you just stop pulling your hair?’’ wow Cynthia I never thought about that
  • Good luck finding any awareness, or anyone who’s ever heard of it in general.
  • Good luck finding treatment options and coping devices as well.
  • Ah yes, because of literally no one talking about it, you grow up with your parents being ashamed and disgusted by you. Also, them refusing to understand or believe what you tell them.
  • ‘’You’ve been picking again, haven’t you??’’
  • Having your hair grabbed and checked by your mother.
  • ‘’So why don’t you have any eyelashes?’’
  • No ‘’brows on fleek’’ here
  • Your mother going through wastebaskets and finding hair and questioning you about it. Same with vacuum cleaners.
  • People seeing you pull and asking you why and being quite rude.
  • Fear of someday having another bald spot.
  • Hairdresser terror.
  • Raw eyes where your lashes should be and bleeding where your pubic hair should be.
  • Lifesaving bangs.
  • ok it’s just a pet peeve of mine but I really hate those edits people do of celebrities or just people in general where they edit off their eyebrows. I know it seems harmless to people, but for someone like me it’s basically just saying. ‘’Look at what an ugly freak you are in society’s viewpoint.’’
  • The shame beanie when you can’t stop pulling
  • Having new bleeding each time you go to the bathroom because you just can’t stop pulling ingrown hairs for some reason
  • Having a ‘’gross’’ condition that can in no way be sugar coated or romanticized as in any way beautiful, so no one talks about it.
  • Once again the shame from having a ‘’gross’’ condition.
  • Why are there so many hairballs everywhere did I do this
  • The last time I had a bald spot was when I was about eleven or twelve I think?? But I couldn’t go into public without a bobby pin pulling hair over it and my mom was so upset the entire time I had it. It wasn’t just the fact of the shame of what it looked like. It got sunburned and there were open sores ok.
  • Trichotillomania is a nightmarish condition and the suffers get little to no awareness or help.
  • All the those who suffer from it are beautiful and deserve better.

Not to mention if you try to look ‘normal’ like draw on eyebrows, glue on fake lashes, shave your head, wear wigs, wear scarves, you always get what I like to call ‘the look’ where ppl are trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with you and if you’re sick

There are many occasions where I’ve been made fun of by peers for having no eyebrows or eyelashes, and many times I’ve been made fun of in public with no hair

It’s aggravating to hear ‘oh I understand I have the bad habit of biting my nails :/’ TRICH IS NOT A BAD HABIT

When you go awhile without pulling (an everyday struggle honestly) and you finally do and your mom won’t stop telling you how disappointed they are in you

‘You should let your hair grow’ OHHH I DIDNT THINK OF THAT BEFORE!! THANKS!

The awful feeling when you have to tell a parent you pulled too much and you need to shave your head /again/

‘You look better with long hair’

‘Take a girl swimming on the first date!’

‘Haha girls that draw on their eyebrows am I right???!!!’

Being distracted/engrossed in something so much you don’t realize you’re pulling until you’re done and there’s hair all over you

When you have very noticeable bald spots (which take forever to grow even when your head is shaved) and your mom is embarrassed to be seen with you in public and tells you to ‘cover your head its disgusting’

‘Nobody wants a bald gf’

When you pull so hard you bleed and get massive headaches

I could go on forever honestly…But the point will always stand that no matter what trich (or other ppl) throws at you, you’re beautiful. You’re strong. You’re going to be ok xoxo

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